What is a Qibla finder?
A Qibla finder is online tool that helps Muslims find the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca for prayer. Our online Qibla finder uses your device sensors to show you the exact direction to pray without installing any apps.
How does the Qibla finder work?
- It gets your current location using GPS
- Calculates the direction to the Kaaba in Mecca
- Uses your device’s compass to show you which way to face
- Shows the exact angle and distance to the Kaaba
How do I use the online Qibla finder?
Quick Start:
- Open the Qibla finder in your browser
- Tap "Find Qibla Direction"
- Allow location and sensor access when asked
- Hold your device flat
- Follow the arrow to face the Qibla
Reading the Display:
- Red Arrow: Points to the Qibla
- Green Arrow: Shows when you’re facing the correct direction
- Degree Numbers: Show exact angle to the Kaaba
- Distance: Shows how far you are from Mecca
How to enable permissions?
For iPhone and iPad (iOS/Safari):
- Open Settings
- Scroll to Safari
- Under Privacy & Security
- Enable Motion & Orientation Access
- Enable Location Services
- Reload the Qibla finder page
For Android (Chrome):
- Open Chrome settings
- Tap Site Settings
- Enable Location
- Enable Motion Sensors
- Allow permissions when prompted
How accurate is the Qibla finder?
The accuracy depends on your device sensors. The display shows three accuracy levels:
- High (Green): Very accurate reading
- Medium (Orange): Good accuracy, might need minor adjustment
- Low (Red): Should recalibrate compass
How do I calibrate for better accuracy?
When to calibrate:
- First time using the finder
- When accuracy shows as "Low"
- When changing locations
- If directions seem incorrect
Calibration steps:
- Tap the "Recalibrate" button
- Hold your device flat
- Move in a figure-8 pattern
- Rotate your device slowly
- Wait for accuracy to improve
Troubleshooting common issues
1. Check Permissions:
- Location must be enabled
- Motion sensors must be allowed
- Both permissions are needed
2. Device Position:
- Hold phone flat
- Keep away from metal objects
- Stay away from magnetic sources
3. Accuracy Problems:
- Try recalibrating
- Move to open area
- Update your browser
- Check sensor permissions
- Check internet connection
- Allow location access
- Reload the page
- Update your browser